This level is an opportunity to find some Life capsules. Start the ball either at the default position (zero clicks) or one click to the left. Keep hitting the ball in the center of your paddle and avoid angled shots initially. This helps you control the ball and dislodge only one or two capsules at a time. Angled shots tend to carom around the board quickly and dislodge too many capsules at once.
Catch is very helpful on this level. It helps you control the ball and dislodge one capsule at a time.
If you grab the Multi on this level, you’ll often end up dislodging so many capsules that you can’t keep track of them all. Because of this, I recommend avoiding the Multi unless you’ve already cleared out most of the capsules on the board.
If you grab the Gun, destroy the two exposed unbreakable bricks touching the top wall.
The Long and Life capsules are both helpful. Laser can sometimes help as well – use it to dislodge the capsules from some of the exposed bricks.